Superfoods: What are the Benefits of Bok Choy Juice #SHORTS
Bok choy is an important part of Chinese cuisine. This green veggie is a relative of the cabbage, broccoli, and kale family. Its flavor allows it to blend well with other veggies. Its content is high in water which makes it easy for juicing. The health benefits of Bok Choy Juice are aplenty. This veggie juice is rich in protein, so you can drink it to maintain muscle tissue and keep your skin and hair healthy and strong. Its single serving contains 3 grams of naturally occurring sugar, which is a source of energy, and only half a gram of fat. So you will not gain any weight by drinking it. Remember to stay the course! https://evepacifichealth.com/benefits-of-bok-choy-juice/ Subscribe to our channel for more factual fitness and weight loss tips! ✅ Learn how to get paid for losing weight with HealthyWage https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=461300&u=3064731&m=46155 ✅ Join our 5 Day Get Moving Challenge https://evepacifichealth.aweb.page/p/88c11059-11cc-406e-bf19-48706b246b4f ✅Check out our GUIDES, EQUIPMENT REVIEWS, AND TIPS!!! We review products and fitness equipment so you don’t have to: https://evepacifichealth.com/category/product-reviews/ https://evepacifichealth.com/category/buying-guides/